Sunday, July 21, 2013

Universal Karma

American history and the deeds of its ancestors are reaping what they call - Universal Karma

What is RACISM- Really...
Only on Black s.l.a.b. will you get to the deep truth of difficult matters.

Racism commonly misunderstood by many races is not directly about color. It is PRIMARILY about GROUP CULTURE.

Specifically the extent of inclusion or exclusion between cultural GROUPS within the social, economic, and political structure of this nation. . ...only after this can we start talking about color. Why?
People of different colors usually have different cultural experiences. Many of which were developed throughout the centuries.
This is the only way to understand racism. If think it is just about black and white face you have missed the History and Experience racism is shrouded in.

If you only go back to the 1990's its not enough to understand racism.
If you only go back to the 1960's its still not enough. Go back to te 1600's through 1800's where the foundation of American culture between white and black was made. From this perspective you can see the CLEAR LEGAL goals to exclude Blacks on the basis of economics, political empowerment, and even social interaction.
When people have a constant history of this experience from grand mother- grand father- aunt , uncle, sister, brother, brother-in- law, sister in law, niece, and nephew.... its no longer paranoia. Its reality.

This country's history has always been to reduce and exclude black culture from the white culture of prosperity. This eliminates the black community's ability to have fairness and justice on all levels.

Click [here
] for some of the laws passed to exclude and limit black culture
(socially, politically, and economically). 

Some say that blacks consider themselves victims. In a historical perspective this is valid given the history of America- Then and NOW. However, how we react to this today is truly up to us as individuals. Blacks (individually speaking) have managed to juggle these challenges very well, but as a unified group, have a long way to go.

The realism of racism is that it will only go away when the American GROUP culture (regardless of color) are accepting of everyone on all levels. Until then, continue to witness and experience it.

America is a Great country of many different things, but racism is a the defiance of the melting pot culture it once stood for.
Racism developed out of fear, greed, and competition for resources.
Racism is the dark side of America that people somehow cannot see clearly enough- from a cultural perspective.

The next blog will discuss the extinction of black culture and why it has value to American Culture.

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